Sunday, April 15, 2012

JPG + Coke Light

If you haven't seen this yet, you're the proud owner of a rock - the one you live under!
Now watch, and be quiet! (also, check out the picture- awesome-sauce with a cherry on top)

Monday, April 9, 2012

It's A Vacation!

So,  it's Easter/Pesach and I'm on vacation!
(okay, not-working like my parents & significant other)

What does one wear on to visit Grandma?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pre-Passover Jitters

As I fearfully await the holiday dinner, I take comfort in some pretty image-y goodness.
כתרופה לארוחת החג אני מתכרבלת עם תמונות אופנה מרחבי העולם

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Can I Marry Carine?

I love Carine's take on the jacket,
Well, I love anything Carine does.
Regardless, the homage to Coco (that hat!) was great.
Karl's french is the stuff amazing sauce is made of.

האינטרפרטציה של קארין (רויטפלד!) לג'קט הקלאסי של שאנל היתה בול.
הכובע, הפנינים וההעמדה.
זה והצרפתית של קארל יחדיו שווה אהבה.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

It's Party Time!

So summer is running at us like a fashionista at a sample sale,
We all know, that as summer approaches so do a plethora of occasions.